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What’s the “kraken?” It’s the name for the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion

What’s the “kraken?” It’s the name for the 305th Military Intelligence

When attorney Sidney Powell announced during a recent press conference that her election fraud lawsuits would ultimately release the “kraken,” many likened her foreboding words to those mysteriously uttered by President Donald Trump when he warned about “the calm before the storm.” Well, we now know that the kraken is a reference to the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, which because of its involvement in the election fraud process, could very well be the culmination of the storm.

Gen. Thomas McInerney confirmed as much to Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend, explaining that the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is working alongside Powell, Gen. Michael Flynn and others from Team Trump to expose who is behind the election fraud and how they went about doing it.

“It was actually the nickname of the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion, and that has been her source along with other sources that Mary (Fanning) and I know about, but we don’t want to talk about,” McInerney told Howse.

“We’re getting the different sources that are relaying this, but the important thing is they identified, now get this, they identified China, Iran, and Russia as being involved in this and manipulating the vote.”

U.S. Special Forces also contributed to the effort by seizing a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, that was communicating data back and forth to Dominion Voting Systems machines here in America on election night. Apparently run by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), that server farm was also communicating with a facility in Spain where, believe it or not, American ballots were being “counted.”

“Special operation forces seized those (servers) from that facility so they have those servers and they know all this data they are providing,” McInerney added, revealing that U.S. soldiers were killed in that operation and that the CIA was, of course, on the opposing side, “so that’s the very worrisome thing,” he says.

You can support Sidney Powell’s work by visiting her Defending the Republic website.

Democrats and the deep state have committed treason against America

As for Flynn, he was the senior military intelligence officer who knows this stuff inside and out, which would explain why he was targeted by the deep state for persecution. President Trump ultimately pardoned him, and now he is working alongside the team to expose everything there is to know about how the dark ones are trying to steal the election for Joe Biden.

“We have this information and we know that not only did we have the deep state … that President Trump had to fight, we also had it in the legislature where you have Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, [Chuck] Schumer, all of those people were involved in this,” McInerney contends.

“They were involved in the Russia hoax. They were involved in this coup d’état, but we also had the judiciary, Judge Sullivan, who was General Flynn’s judge, outdid himself on this. You had the compromise there, and that’s why the 305th, the krakens were targeted and selected, I believe, because the president could trust them.”

McInerney went on to explain that this is why Chris Miller, a former special operations hero, is now the acting secretary of defense. At one point, Miller gave a speech ordering all special operations forces to answer directly to him, in accordance with the law, because that is how serious this situation has become.

“It tells you that we had to tighten up because there are people that are a part of this conspiracy,” McInerney says. “This is treason we’re talking about. Some people may just think, ‘Oh, it’s just politics.’ No.”

As more news related to the fraudulent election develops, you will find it at

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