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It’s not the same RV! Official narrative of Nashville “suicide bomber” melts away as RV supposedly used in the bombing found to have differe

It’s not the same RV! Official narrative of Nashville “suicide bomber”

(Paranormal) The joke of the day is that after analyzing the DNA of the “human remains” found at the scene of the Nashville bomb, the FBI has just declared the bomber “died of covid.”

(Article by Mike Adams republished from

Given the level of blatant disinformation being pushed by the deep state and a compliant fake news media, no one would be surprised to hear the FBI announce such an absurdity, perhaps followed by Anthony Fauci claiming that if you don’t get a vaccine, your vehicle might explode.

But something else just as absurd has now been found by internet sleuths: The RV used in the bombing doesn’t match the RV found in the driveway of the supposed perpetrator.

The difference isn’t even subtle. It’s obvious.

With a hat tip to, which pointed out this stunning observation, we can see that the RV depicted in the photo released by law enforcement has a single horizontal pin stripe near the roof, along the entire driver’s side of the vehicle: (see the pin stripe along the edge of the roof)

AT&T, bombing, conspiracy, Cover-Up, deep state, false-flag, hoax

While the RV parked at the residence of Anthony Quinn Warner — whom the FBI is publicly calling a suicide bomber — has two pin stripes along the driver’s side:

It’s not the same RV! Official narrative of Nashville “suicide bomber”

In other words, anyone who can count to two can also see that this isn’t the same RV. The red outline square in the two images above also shows a key difference in the appearance of another feature — possibly a vent — that looks completely different in the two photos.

In other words, it’s not the same RV.

Someone in the deep state who was pulling off this bombing of the AT&T / NSA spy hub failed to notice the difference in the vehicles, and they ended up choosing an RV with the wrong number of pin stripes. (This is easy to overlook, as we didn’t notice this at first either.)

This bombing was a deep state mission to destroy something in the AT&T building… no doubt something related to election rigging

The real target of the bombing was, of course, the equipment found inside the hardened AT&T building:

It’s not the same RV! Official narrative of Nashville “suicide bomber”

The entire “Anthony Quinn Warner” suicide story is nothing but a cover story. As a bonus narrative, the establishment is now trying to blame Warner’s actions on “5G paranoia,” simultaneously blaming 5G critics for the bombing that was actually carried out by the deep state, working in conjunction with black hat units inside the US military (Army in particular).

As we reported yesterday, a missile trail is clearly seen dropping from the sky to the ground right before the explosion took place:

AT&T, bombing, conspiracy, Cover-Up, deep state, false-flag, hoax

AT&T, bombing, conspiracy, Cover-Up, deep state, false-flag, hoax

You can see the missile trail timing more clearly in this skyline video, now preserved at

We are currently calling it a “missile,” although others have pointed out the possibility that this could be the result of a Direct Energy Weapon (DEW) fired from orbiting weapons platforms. However, the fiery bomb blast seems to indicate a kinetic / chemical explosion did take place, even though other videos appear to show that this explosion appears to have initiated slightly above the RV itself, not from within the RV.

My Situation Update for Dec. 27th reveals more details about this “data wipeout” operation and who’s likely behind it:

A second cargo vehicle now blocking off the highway in Lebanon, TN

Now, a second cargo van vehicle is currently under watch in Lebanon, TN, on highway 231S, where over a dozen police vehicles have blocked off the highway to investigate. This vehicle is reportedly broadcasting the same message as the RV that exploded in Nashville, which had loudspeakers urging people to evacuate the area before the bomb went off.

Here’s the scene today:

AT&T, bombing, conspiracy, Cover-Up, deep state, false-flag, hoax

Story is developing… more details coming shortly… check back and refresh.

Read more at:

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