- 27.06.2022
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Ši žinia pasirodė po to, kai viena didžiausių pasaulyje kiaulienos perdirbėjų "Smithfields" neseniai paskelbė, kad uždaro savo gamyklą Vernone, Kalifornijoje, mažina veiklos apimtis kitose valstijose ir mažina paršavedžių bandą.
Apie tai praneša "The GateWay Pundit": WVLT-TV duomenimis, "George's Inc: Paukštiena ir paruošti maisto produktai paskelbė, kad uždarys vieną iš savo maisto perdirbimo gamyklų.
Uždarymo priežastis kol kas neatskleidžiama, net vietinius gyventojus nustebino toks netikėtas sprendimas.
Kempbelo apygardos meras E. L. Mortonas (E.L. Morton) televizijai WVLT-TV sakė, kad daro viską, kad gamykla liktų atidaryta.
"Kreipiausi į Tenesio ekonomikos ir bendruomenių plėtros tarnybos darbuotojus, prašydamas padėti išlaikyti gamyklą atidarytą arba palengvinti jos pardavimą kitam operatoriui", - sakė E. L. Mortonas.
Pasak "Western Journal", gamyklos uždarymas keltų grėsmę beveik 200 bendrovės darbuotojų pragyvenimui tuo metu, kai infliacija yra rekordiškai didelė ir viskas brangsta.
"Aš paprašiau gubernatoriaus Lee pagalbos taip pat. Pirmiausia man rūpi atsidavusių darbuotojų, kurie buvo šios veiklos pagrindas, gerovė. Už juos meldžiamės, taip pat dedame visas pastangas, kad jie liktų dirbti Kempbelo apygardoje", - pridūrė Mortonas.
"George's Inc." gamyklos uždarymas Campbell apygardoje, Tenesio valstijoje, yra dar vienas smūgis JAV maisto produktų rinkai.
George's Inc." yra vištienos perdirbimo įmonė, turinti gamyklas Arkanzase, Misūryje, Virdžinijoje ir Tenesyje. Įmonės būstinė yra Springdeilyje, Arkanzase.
Praėjusiais metais JAV žemės ūkio departamentas nustatė, kad "George's Inc." gamykla Edinburge, Virdžinijos valstijoje, neatitiko federalinių taisyklių po to, kai gamyklos teritorijoje buvo rasta daugiau kaip 2 500 negyvų viščiukų, pranešė laikraštis "The Northern Virginia Daily".
"George's Inc." gamykloje Edinburge dauguma negyvų viščiukų buvo palikti priekabose per naktį 2020 m. gegužės 6 d., teigiama pranešimuose. Kai kurie negyvi viščiukai buvo priekabose, kurios į gamyklą atvyko gegužės 7 d. rytą, teigiama pranešimuose", - pranešė naujienų leidinys.
Toliau pateikiamas atnaujintas JAV gamyklų, kurios buvo sunaikintos, apgadintos ar paveiktos "atsitiktinių gaisrų", ligų ar kitų priežasčių, sąrašas. Įdomu tai, visos gamyklos, kažkokiu tai būdu buvo uždarytos 2021 metų pabaigą ir 2022 metais. O, tai 2022 metų vidurys. Ar tai sutapimas?
- 1/11/21 A fire that destroyed 75,000-square-foot processing plant in Fayetteville
- 4/30/21 A fire ignited inside the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in Monmouth, IL
- 7/25/21 Three-alarm fire at Kellogg plant in Memphis, 170 emergency personnel responded to the call
- 7/30/21 Firefighters on Friday battled a large fire at Tyson’s River Valley Ingredients plant in Hanceville, Alabama
- 8/23/21 Fire crews were called to the Patak Meat Production company on Ewing Road in Austell
- 9/13/21 A fire at the JBS beef plant in Grand Island, Neb., on Sunday night forced a halt to slaughter and fabrication lines
- 10/13/21 A five-alarm fire ripped through the Darigold butter production plant in Caldwell, ID
- 11/15/21 A woman is in custody following a fire at the Garrard County Food Pantry
- 11/29/21 A fire broke out around 5:30 p.m. at the Maid-Rite Steak Company meat processing plant
- 12/13/21 West Side food processing plant in San Antonio left with smoke damage after a fire
- 1/7/22 Damage to a poultry processing plant on Hamilton’s Mountain following an overnight fire
- 1/13/22 Firefighters worked for 12 hours to put a fire out at the Cargill-Nutrena plant in Lecompte, LA
- 1/31/22 a fertilizer plant with 600 tons of ammonium nitrate inside caught on fire on Cherry Street in Winston-Salem
- 2/3/22 A massive fire swept through Wisconsin River Meats in Mauston
- 2/3/22 At least 130 cows were killed in a fire at Percy Farm in Stowe
- 2/15/22 Bonanza Meat Company goes up in flames in El Paso, Texas
- 2/15/22 Nearly a week after the fire destroyed most of the Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston
- 2/16/22 A fire had broken at US largest soybean processing and biodiesel plant in Claypool, Indiana
- 2/18/22 An early morning fire tore through the milk parlor at Bess View Farm
- 2/19/22 Three people were injured, and one was hospitalized, after an ammonia leak at Lincoln Premium Poultry in Fremont
- 2/22/22 The Shearer’s Foods plant in Hermiston caught fire after a propane boiler exploded
- 2/28/22 A smoldering pile of sulfur quickly became a raging chemical fire at Nutrien Ag Solutions
- 2/28/22 A man was hurt after a fire broke out at the Shadow Brook Farm and Dutch Girl Creamery
- 3/4/22 294,800 chickens destroyed at farm in Stoddard, Missouri
- 3/4/22 644,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
- 3/8/22 243,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in New Castle, Delaware
- 3/10/22 663,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, MD
- 3/10/22 915,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Taylor, IA
- 3/14/22 The blaze at 244 Meadow Drive was discovered shortly after 5 p.m. by farm owner Wayne Hoover
- 3/14/22 2,750,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Jefferson, Wisconsin
- 3/16/22 A fire at a Walmart warehouse distribution center in Plainfield, Indiana has cast a large plume of smoke visible throughout Indianapolis.
- 3/16/22 Nestle Food Plant extensively damaged in fire and new production destroyed Jonesboro, Arkansas
- 3/17/22 5,347,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Buena Vista, Iowa
- 3/17/22 147,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Kent, Delaware
- 3/18/22 315,400 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Cecil, Maryland
- 3/22/22 172,000 Turkeys destroyed on farms in South Dakota
- 3/22/22 570,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
- 3/24/22 Fire fighters from numerous towns are battling a major fire at the McCrum potato processing facility in Belfast, Maine.
- 3/24/22 418,500 chickens destroyed at farm in Butler, Nebraska
- 3/25/22 250,300 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Franklin, Iowa
- 3/26/22 311,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 3/27/22 126,300 Turkeys destroyed in South Dakota
- 3/28/22 1,460,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Guthrie, Iowa
- 3/29/22 A massive fire burned 40,000 pounds of food meant to feed people in a food desert near Maricopa
- 3/31/22 A structure fire caused significant damage to a large portion of key fresh onion packing facilities in south Texas
- 3/31/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Osceola, Iowa
- 3/31/22 5,011,700 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Osceola, Iowa
- 4/6/22 281,600 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
- 4/9/22 76,400 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 4/9/22 208,900 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 4/12/22 89,700 chickens destroyed at farm in Wayne, North Carolina
- 4/12/22 1,746,900 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Dixon, Nebraska
- 4/12/22 259,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Minnesota
- 4/13/22 Fire destroys East Conway Beef & Pork Meat Market in Conway, New Hampshire
- 4/13/22 Plane crashes into Gem State Processing, Idaho potato and food processing plant
- 4/13/22 77,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 4/14/22 Taylor Farms Food Processing plant burns down Salinas, California.
- 4/14/22 99,600 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 4/15/22 1,380,500 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Lancaster, Minnesota
- 4/19/22 Azure Standard nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire in Dufur, Oregon
- 4/19/22 339,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 4/19/22 58,000 chickens destroyed at farm in Montrose, Color
- 4/20/22 2,000,000 chickens destroyed at egg farm in Minnesota
- 4/21/22 A small plane crashed in the lot of a General Mills plant in Covington, Georgia
- 4/22/22 197,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 4/23/22 200,000 Turkeys destroyed in Minnesota
- 4/25/22 1,501,200 chickens destroyed at egg farm Cache, Utah
- 4/26/22 307,400 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
- 4/27/22 2,118,000 chickens destroyed at farm Knox, Nebraska
- 4/28/22 Egg-laying facility in Iowa kills 5.3 million chickens, fires 200-plus workers
- 4/28/22 Allen Harim Foods processing plant killed nearly 2M chickens in Delaware
- 4/2822 110,700 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
- 4/29/22 5 million honeybees are dead after a flight carrying the pollinator insects from California to Alaska got diverted to Georgia (New)
- 4/29/22 1,366,200 chickens destroyed at farm Weld Colorado
- 4/30/22 13,800 chickens destroyed at farm Sequoia Oklahoma
- 5/3/22 58,000 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
- 5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Beadle S Dakota
- 5/3/22 114,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
- 5/3/22 118,900 Turkeys destroyed Lyon Minnesota
- 5/7/22 20,100 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
- 5/10/22 72,300 chickens destroyed at farm Lancaster Pennsylvania
- 5/10/22 61,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
- 5/10/22 35,100 Turkeys destroyed Muskegon, Michigan
- 5/13/22 10,500 Turkeys destroyed Barron Wisconsin
- 5/14/22 83,400 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
- 5/17/22 79,00 chickens destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
- 5/18/22 7,200 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
- 5/19/22 Train carrying limestone derailed Jensen Beach FL
- 5/21/22 57,000 Turkeys destroyed on farm in Dakota Minnesota
- 5/23/22 4,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
- 5/29/22 A Saturday night fire destroyed a poultry building at Forsman Farms in Howard Lake, Minnesota
- 5/31/22 3,000,000 chickens destroyed by fire at Forsman facility in Stockholm Township, Minnesota
- 6/2/22 30,000 ducks destroyed at Duck farm Berks Pennsylvania
- 6/7/22 A fire occurred Tuesday evening at the JBS meat packing plant in Green Bay, Wisconsin
- 6/8/22 Firefighters from Tangipahoa Fire District 1 respond to a fire at the Purina Feed Mill in Arcola, Louisiana
- 6/9/22 Irrigation water was canceled in California (the #1 producer of food in the US) and storage water flushed directly out to the delta.
- 6/12/22 Largest Pork Company in the US Shuts Down California Plant Due to High Costs
- 6/13/22 Fire Breaks Out at a Food Processing Plant West of Waupaca County in Wisconsin
- 6/14/22 Over 10,000 head of cattle have reportedly died in the recent Kansas heat wave
- 6/23/22 George’s Inc.: Poultry and Prepared Foods announced it will close one of its food processing plants in Campbell County, Tennessee
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