- 08.11.2022
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Marikopos apygardos (Arizonos valstija) 20 % balsavimo centrų patiria problemų dėl balsų skaičiavimo mašinų, teigia Marikopos apygardos stebėtojų tarybos pirmininkas Billas Gatesas. 20 % Marikopos apygardos balsavimo centrų "turi problemų".
#BREAKING Chairman @maricopacounty Board of Supervisors @billgatesaz says 20% voting centers are having issues w/tabulators. He says the ballot can still be dropped in the box, it will just get centrally tabulated tonight. He says they’re working to fix the issue. #Election2022 pic.twitter.com/9608J18fVM
— Ali Bradley (@AliBradleyTV) November 8, 2022
BREAKING: Reports out of Maricopa county of Machines “not working” and ballots being “misread”
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 8, 2022
BREAKING: Now issues reported with machines in Wickenburg, AZ, northwest Maricopa.
— Hold the Line Poso (@JackPosobiec) November 8, 2022
Worker tells the voter to stop filming pic.twitter.com/ACFiivw3vn
I'd like to note once again that Brazil -- with a population of similar size to the US (especially with mandatory voting and a voting age of 16) -- counted all votes nationwide in every race within 3 hours after the polls closed. Every race was decided that night. https://t.co/8phpLUQA6j
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 7, 2022
#ATTN: Harmeet K. Dhillon @pnjaban
— Linda Marie Lovison (@lilo623) November 8, 2022
Reports out of Maricopa County of machines “not working” and ballots being “misread.”#Maricopa #AZ #Arizona @GOP @AZGOP@dhillonlaw @Liberty_Ctr @TheRepLawyer
WHAT IS GOING ON?pic.twitter.com/P3e0i6Lu2A
Jie turėjo tik dvejus metus tai išsiaiškinti... Nebent, žinoma, tai yra funkcija, o ne klaida.
I'd like to note once again that Brazil -- with a population of similar size to the US (especially with mandatory voting and a voting age of 16) -- counted all votes nationwide in every race within 3 hours after the polls closed. Every race was decided that night. https://t.co/8phpLUQA6j
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 7, 2022
Tuo tarpu Mercerio apygardoje, Naujajame Džersyje, anot pareigūnų, neveikia visi iki vieno "Dominion" balsavimo įrenginiai.
Antradienio rytą Vakarų Vindzoro miestelis pranešime gyventojams pranešė, kad "Dėl Mercerio apygardos sistemos sutrikimų šiuo metu neveikia visi balsavimo aparatai kiekvienoje apylinkėje visoje apygardoje.
Voting machines are currently down, vote on a standard ballot https://t.co/TXVP7Cy8lQ
— West Windsor Police (@westwindsorpd) November 8, 2022
"Rinkimų valdyba informavo apygardą apie problemas su balsavimo mašinomis. Rinkimų darbuotojai bus pasirengę padėti rinkėjams atlikti rinkimų procesą. Valdyba bendradarbiauja su mašinų gamintoju "Dominion", kad išspręstų problemą", - rašoma socialiniame tinkle "Facebook" paskelbtame pranešime, praneša ABC6.
For the second election cycle in a row, I go to vote and the machines are not working. Had to submit a provisional ballot. You have to do better Mercer County, NJ. The poll workers were wonderful amid the chaos.
— Eddie S. Glaude Jr. (@esglaude) November 8, 2022
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